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The Ezytrail Guide to Caravanning in the Cold

Discover practical tips for off-road winter caravanning, from parking strategies and preventing frozen pipes to keeping your caravan cosy and condensation-free.

Guides Ezy Tips

As the colder months arrive, the call of snowy mountains and their charming surrounding towns grows louder. Caravanners in particular can make the most of this time of year, having the gift of staying warm and comfortable no matter how close to the action they set up camp. However, this requires a little extra preparation and planning. In this guide, we’ll explore some practical tips to make your off-road winter caravanning a cool breeze.

Plan Your Parking

When heading to snowy spots, it’s usually best to park your caravan or hybrid in a safe, sheltered area, then take your car up the mountain. Snowy and icy roads can be hazardous, and towing a caravan in these conditions only increases the risk. Instead, find a sunny spot (if there is one!) or a sheltered area free from snow accumulation to park your caravan. This not only ensures your safety but also helps prevent your caravan from getting stuck or damaged by harsh weather conditions.

Keep Hot Water Handy

Cold temperatures can cause tow hooks and bars to freeze, making it difficult to hitch or unhitch your caravan. A simple and effective solution is to keep hot water handy. Pouring hot water over the frozen areas can quickly melt the ice, allowing you to safely connect or disconnect your caravan. Just be very careful with glass areas, as these can crack due to the sudden temperature change. To avoid this, use only warm water and apply it gradually. Also, be sure to dry off any excess water to prevent refreezing.

Rug Your Caravan Up

In winter, you rug up with extra layers and accessories—the same goes for your caravan. Install some winter-weight curtains to help retain heat and block out the cold. You can also buy or make your own draught snake (those long, stuffed fabric tubes) and place it at the base of your door. Try adding a nice, thick rug to your caravan floor, providing an extra layer of insulation that’ll make a huge difference. These small adjustments can really transform your caravan on those long winter adventures.

Combat Condensation

Condensation is a common issue during winter caravanning, leading to dampness and potentially mould growth. To prevent this, consider using heat sources and maintaining open ventilation when possible. Portable heaters can provide warmth, while a well-ventilated space helps to reduce moisture buildup. Opening windows slightly to allow air circulation, even in cold weather, can prevent condensation and keep the interior of your caravan dry and comfortable. You could also consider purchasing an anti-condensation heater to remove condensation inside your van.

Protect Those Pipes

Frozen water pipes are a major inconvenience and can cause significant damage to your caravan. To prevent this, consider using tank heaters or insulating covers for your water tanks and pipes. These solutions help maintain a temperature above freezing, ensuring you have a steady supply of water throughout your trip. Additionally, draining and insulating external water hoses can further protect against freezing.

Pack and Prepare

Before setting off on your winter adventure, ensure you have the essential supplies to handle the cold weather. Pack extra blankets, thermal clothing and a reliable heat source, like a hot water bottle. Stock up on non-perishable foods that are easy to prepare, and make sure you have a supply of hot drinks to keep you warm. Also, it’s important to keep a well-stocked first aid kit and emergency supplies, such as a flashlight, batteries and a shovel

Enjoying the Winter Wonderland: Activities and Experiences

Winter caravanning isn’t just about braving the cold—it’s about getting out there and embracing it. Whether you’re skiing or snowboarding, going for walks, making snowmen or having a snowball fight, there are so many activities that can only be done at this time of year. However, when you are inside, either at night or when it’s simply too cold to venture outside, there’s still plenty to do. Make your interior as cosy as can be with fairy lights or candles, cook up something warm and hearty, then spend the night watching movies, playing board games or just chatting under the covers.

Winter caravanning has its own unique challenges, but with the right planning it can be an adventure like no other. So pack some extra blankets and clothes and embark on your frosty journey with the confidence that your Ezytrail caravan is the right van for the job!